I’m a can-do designer of businesses, technologies, and products.

Creativity is key,
Execution is all!

Perspective on me:


Observe -> Imagine -> Plan-> Execute ¬

This simple but effective design mindset lead me to success in a myriad of professional challenges in management in technology, architecture, sales, marketing, and investment such that:

I have been a Self-Taught Coder/Hacker, an Architect of awarded Buildings, an Inventor of Technology Patents, a Startup Entrepreneur, a VP of Delivery, an Expert in Investment Due-Diligence, a CAD drafter, a 3D Modeler/Animator, a CTO, a Design College Professor, an AI Researcher, a Sales and Biz Dev VP, a Nonprofit Director of Product, and a CEO.

I roll up my sleeves, recruit, lead, and won’t relent until goals are reached. It’s a lot to grapple with, but if you want one take away may it be that I am Resourceful.

Experience Counts


Ad-Tech Software Architect

Initial team member of an ad-delivery targeting optimization startup.
Sold to FIM/FOX/MySpace (‘07).


Corporate Venture Capital EIR

Entrepreneur In Residence for Technicolor Ventures. What began as an innovations lab led to the creation of a Corporate VC.

Media-Tech AI VP Business


Responsible for accounts such as BloomBerg, USA TODAY, Lexis-Nexis for a NLP startup. Sold to PickSel (‘16).


Ed-Tech Director of Product


Oversaw a $12M yearly budget and execution of the entire IT and Open Source software development for a 15-state K-12 non-profit.

Mobile Gaming Startup Founder


Patented, founded, and raised $1,2M Seed delivering games to clients & partners such as Google, LA Dodgers, AT&T, KFC, and more.


Sustainable Design Lecturer

2nd year and Masters advanced design studios lecturer at Cal Poly Pomona College of Environmental Design and SciArc

HR-Tech SaaS Services Leader


Joined a month after IPO to build, and grew Integration Services team to +$18M during the company’s fastest growth period.


Grow it.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


“Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.”

— John Steinbeck